What is Nomad Rest?

Nomad Rest is not an online booking agency. We are a directory and advertising platform for hotels, hostels and private hosts who want to boost their bookings with professional travelers.

How Can I book?

You will book your accommodation directly to the official hotel website or most likely to third party travel agencies such as Agoda, Booking or Airbnb. We do not process payments for reservations.

How can I get listed?

We only lists places that provide everything a digital nomad or remote worker needs to be productive at work and feel comfortable like being at home. If you think that your place is perfect for people who online work while travel, submit your request here.

How can I change listing data?

If you find inaccurate information or data in our listings, please send us feedback so we can update it as soon as possible. Help us to keep our website and listings relevant to the community and we we will forever be grateful. Get in touch here.